Tuesday, 12 October 2010

ASDA Smartprice Vodka

I have just been informed by my (possibly lying, cheating) bank that I have spent roughly £1530 of my student loan in less than three weeks. 

I momentarily passed out, then checked the statement twice, and then again just to be sure, then I did the only thing a smart girl in my position does - start crying down the phone to the parents. 

Topshop, ASOS, H&M - You're all thieving bastards.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Ecko Tracksuits and Sovereign Rings

Just heard that someone committed suicide inside the shopping mall in my home town.

I think I miss Crawley, nothing cool like that happens in Epsom, the most we get is a strawberry flavour McDonald's milkshake spat over the side of a railing by some junked up little chav answering to the name of Chardonnay.

Yeah, and what?

More Banksy arrived today.

My walls are now a mishmash of street art images I have pinched from the internet and printed on Snapfish for £1.19 an photo.

Note to self: Must develop a conscience regarding Copyright infringement issues. Another day. 

Must try harder.

So I'm sat here swerving another day at uni (Contextual Studies today, it's okay I've only missed the first lesson and been half an hour late to the second, today -supposedly- being my third day) and instead of seeing to the growing mountain of coursework that has glass rim stains and fag ends artfully resting on it, I read a friend's blog and got thinking, I have things to say but refrain from doing so in the form of updating my FaceBook status every ten minutes, that shit's just not cool, right? 

Then I remembered a tutor (can't remember the name, probably never will) telling us that we 'must start a blog already' so I thought about relating it back to uni or the fashion world, but that's a bit limiting, so if I write about my bubble then it will kind of be about fashion and contribute in some form to my degree, but wont be as shitboring. 

Now to find some motivation.