Friday 7 December 2012

Wheat and fat free 100 cal Portobello Pizza!

Portobello Pizza

Okay, so the cravings nearly got the better of me - I started craving my all-time favourite - PIZZA! 

Alas, I couldn't do it to myself, so I hunted for an alternative, and saw some bigg-ass mushrooms in my local Waitrose... so the creative juices began... I was so pleasently surprised, the mushroom tasted just like a 'real' pizza base and I didn't even miss the hard cheese! Go, go, go >

(This recipe is vegetarian and *nearly* fat, wheat and possibly gluten free - dependant on the cream cheese you use. It comes in at just under 100 calories too) 


1 Flat portobello mushroom
20g Tomato Puree
15g Philadelphia Cream Cheese (Extra Light)
1/4 Pepper (Orange works well)
1/2 Red onion
1 Shallot
15g Carrots
15g Quorn chicken style pieces (your choice) 
Salt, pepper and chilli flakes
(Plus any other veg you want to use up)


1. Preheat oven to 180' fan, lightly steam any 'hard' veg (carrots etc)
2. Wash mushroom and spread with tomato puree, sprinkle with rock salt, pepper and chilli flakes
3. Put on baking tray / pizza stone and whack in oven whilst making toppings
4. Cut onions and other veg in to 1cm chunks and mix with the cream cheese and Quorn pieces in a bowl. Season well.
5. Top the mushroom with the veg mix and pop back in the oven for approx 10mins or until veg is starting to brown.


I like to serve this with Cauliflour Mash, but whatever works for you!

(You can make this 100% fat free by omitting the cream cheese, but pizza wouldn't be pizza without a little 'naughty'!)

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